How Does Reviewr Stack Up?
The major points of difference between Reviewr and the rest of the industry!
Higher Cost
From the research we have done, we have not found a major competitor offer a fully featured service that is lower then Reviewr!
Do It Yourself
ALL other service providers are Do It Yourself, meaning you have to take care of everything.. and we mean everything.
What You Don't Get
What you will not get as a customer of any other major service provider.
Performance Based
Reviewr customers pay for the results that we achieve for them. No one else offers this!
Capped Pricing
Reviewr customers only pay for a certain % of reviews each month with capped pricing!
100% Managed
Reviewr customers do nothing! We take care of all aspects of our customers accounts.
Account Optimisation
We ensure that Reviewr customers see the highest possible conversions through ongoing account optimization.
Review Management
We take care of replying to our customers reviews and other ongoing review management tasks!
Negative Reviews
Negative and fake reviews are managed by us as well. Another part of the process handled by Reviewr!
What You Do Get
What both Reviewr and our competitors provide, but with one catch. You do it all yourself.
Website Integration
All competitors have website integrations options. You either have to do it yourself, or let Reviewr handle this for you.
Engagement Widgets
All competitors have engagement options. You either have to do it yourself, or let Reviewr handle this for you.
Social Media Integration
All competitors have social media options. You either have to do it yourself, or let Reviewr handle this for you.
Who Are We Talking About?
Below are the companies where you would manage everything, You pay whether you get results or not!